Race information
This is a cupless race! Please ensure that you bring some sort of water vessel with you. Every participant must show their water vessel prior to their race start time.
Aid stations will have water and minimal nutrition. Most aid stations are unsupported.
There are awards for the top three males and females in each event.
CHIP TIMING provided by Competitive Timing
No childcare provided.
This is a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns; thus, race registration fees are non-refundable.
Parking is limited! Runners are encouraged to carpool to the event to minimize stress on the ranch.
Race Rules
Please move over to let faster racers pass.
Music is allowed, but please keep the volume low enough to hear passing runners.
Be respectful of Eatons' Ranch staff and property. Eatons' Ranch is the oldest operating dude ranch in the United States, and has been family owned since 1879. The family does not charge Habitat for Humanity to host this event. Ranch owners also mark the course, and provide ranch hands to volunteer at aid stations free of charge as well. The best thank you for them is to keep their ranch clean, and be mindful of the guests who are staying during our time out there.
No strollers are permitted on the trails or at the ranch during race day.
Please do NOT bring your pets!!
Safety Information
Search & Rescue will be onsite checking in runners at all aid stations.
There will be a first aide tent by the finish line. Sheridan College Nursing students will be ablet to provide minor aide, along with water and electrolytes.
You may expect to see wildlife. Anything from deer, elk, bear, and snakes.
All runners participate at their own risk!!!

Meet your race director
Christine Dieterich
2024 marks the 10th year as Race Director for Christine Dieterich, who is also the Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns.
Christine has been an avid runner since 2014, and loves exploring new trails and pushing herself to do increasingly hard things-usually in the form of crazy trail runs and races (even if she swears she is NEVER doing that again after every race).
She has done every distance from 5k to 50k, with her first 50 mile race coming up. Like we said, she pushes the limits and does hard things.
While she thoroughly enjoys the challenges of trails, she loves to be on the other side too-marking trails, meeting new people, finding new ways to torture runners (errr...take care of them), and ringing that cowbell. She will be a face you will want to know.